In March 2024, iD Collective managed the PR, Guest List Management and Consumer Activation for Kmart's second year at the Melbourne Fashion Festival (MFF). Set within the stunning Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton, iD hosted a range of local and interstate media and talent, managing the process end to end including gifting and travel, achieving excellent editorial and social coverage.


To increase awareness and generate hype surrounding Kmart’s low priced on-trend product offering as seen on the runway.

Drive traffic, sales and transactions with a see now buy now mentality. 

Increase visibility of Kmart, in an on-trend fashion scale. 

Secure media interviews with spokespeople on the day of the event.

Full house of guests to the Runway Event.

Data acquisition through a fun and interactive Consumer Activation.


iD Collective secured 8 interstate guests comprising of 5x key media and 3x key talent.

Over 180 RSVP's were secured across media and influencers, with key attendees from The Age,, Body+Soul, Yahoo Lifestyle, Time Out, Sitchu and Today Show.

Within only 8 weeks, the media reach KPI was exceeded by 251% with 160 clippings – highlights include x6 (syndicated nationally each time), Sunrise x2 + Weekend Sunrise, Today Show, Mamamia x3 and SMH (syndicated).

Social reach KPI was exceeded by 636% with 345 mentions and a conversion rate of 100% for influencers. 

188,838,389 in reach generated across editorial and social, with an ROI of 176:1.

A total of 86 guests walked through on the Kmart Funway Consumer Activation.

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